May 28th, 2020 update
over 4 years ago by Monika London
- [Feature] Associated IPs endpoint
- [Feature] New P2P tab on the IP page. Gain more insights into P2P traffic
- [Feature] New Redirects tab added to the company page
- [Feature] Iterating on the search again this release. Select a type of search for improved performance
- [Housekeeping] Breadcrumbs added to the hosts page so it's easier to find your way out of that rabbit hole
- [Bug fix] Fixed a potential 500 error when clicking to view the devices tab for IP pages
- [Bug fix] Fixed a stability issue when using boolean expressions in the search bar
- [Housekeeping] Improved the column scaling on tables to better support expanding port scans
- [Housekeeping] Improved the readability of certain tables